First Baptist Church of Greenville
Belong - Become - Change the world through Christ - One life at a time.
Greenville Alliance Church
We love. We care. We worship. We study. We serve... Together! The Greenville Alliance family is a community of faith made up of many people: families, singles, married couples, newcomers and "old-timers", people young and old, all of them seeking to become all that God created and empowers them to be.
St. Michael School/Church
St. Michael's is a nonprofit catholic school and church. We are open to all faiths and tuition is the same for Catholics and non-Catholics. We have a newly renovated building housing pre-K through 8th Grade. Call the school to arrange for a tour or for information.
Salvation Army Greenville Corps
Religious and social service organization providing assistance to area families with food and utility assistance. Worship services held for all ages.