What Is the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce

The Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce is an association of professionals concerned about improving the area in which they do business. We are a not-for-profit organization. Our strength lies in the number and diversity of our membership. Both large and small businesses from virtually every profession are represented and influence the direction of the Chamber’s programs. These programs are financed largely by membership dues. We are not a government or political entity.

Membership Tiers

Benefits at Every Level

Janet Shilling - Carried Away Outfitters

Being a new business owner, the chamber has given us the confidence to grow. We've been very successful using new ways to market on social media that we learned at the "Small Business Growth Series." Networking at the "Business EXPO" has not only brought us new customers but also good suggestions at how to market to audiences we haven't been able to target. Working with larger businesses at events has shown us more efficient ways to accomplish business housekeeping. Lastly, getting involved in the chamber planning events gives new enthusiasm and motivation toward helping our community.

Stephanne Burns - State Farm Insurance

“When I left my career in the corporate world to become self- employed, I knew I would need to get our name out into the community. Joining the Chamber has been such a rewarding, beneficial, and fun way to achieve just that objective. My team and I have felt very welcome. Having all grown up around the area, we are all familiar with the struggles of a small town. We love that we can be involved and give to the community as well as build our business with people just like us. The benefits of the advertising and social networking have helped us become a fresh face in the community. We are very grateful and blessed to be in Greenville.”

Membership Application

If you selected to pay online, you will receive an invoice via email.


Chamber memberships run from January - December
If you are a new member who has submitted their application between February - October, you will receive a prorated invoice.

The Members Are the Chamber

The more members the Chamber has, the better it can represent the business community. It accomplishes collectively what no one business could do alone.

Our Purpose

The Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce offers our members a wide variety of services. We not only promote your business, but we also promote Greenville and the surrounding areas. When the area grows, your business has the potential to grow, too.

  • Supports the business activities of its members through promotion, advertising, networking, and participation in community events.

  • Provides tourism and relocation information to people visiting or moving to the area.

  • Provides its members a voice in the community and governmental activities.

Important Facts

  • Is a not-for-profit organization

  • Dues are a tax-deductible business expense

  • Encompasses Northern Mercer County and the surrounding region

Why should you join a Chamber of Commerce.
