Upcoming events.

ReConnect: WILD in Mercer
Don't miss this chance to reconnect with your inner self, forge new connections, and embark on a journey of personal and collective growth. Register now for WILD In Mercer and Reconnect!

American Sign Language
Matthew Cochran will be returning this year to host a free beginners American Sign Language (ASL) class on Saturday mornings. The first class is July 22. There will be no class on July 29, but will continue for August and into September.
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn a new language and communicate better with people in our area!

Memoir Book Club
Green Vanilla Tea is a true story of love and courage in the face of a deadly and little understood illness. With literary finesse, compassion, and a powerful gift of storytelling, Marie Williams writes poignantly of her husband Dominic's struggles with early onset dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 40, and how their family found hope amidst the wreckage of a mysterious neurological condition.