Shop Small

This week we received our Shop Small paraphernalia in preparation for Small Business Saturday (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) and it prompted this month's topic of shopping small. 

Fortunately, shopping small is becoming a growing priority for consumers with 93% of shoppers saying supporting small businesses is more important than ever since the pandemic ¹. Although the holiday season is often the most important quarter overall for most businesses, starting local and shopping small is something to consider all year and not just on Small Business Saturday. Also remember shopping small is not just retail, but dining, and other services as well!

Did you know that when you shop small, $0.67 of every dollar STAYS in our local community ²? Our local small businesses are so vital to the life of our community. I think of Hurlbert Hardware... a local legend that has been providing A+ customer service for decades. I would feel quite a loss without Jan to help me find the right tool for the job. I think of our locally-owned restaurants that are ready to serve up a unique experience. How close to a food desert we would be without them. 

Back in 2015, I worked with a chamber committee on a Start Here campaign. I think it is time to share our top 5 reasons you should be buying local again. Here is a poster we made for the campaign.

What is your top reason for shopping small? I would love to know!

Benjamin Beck, Executive Director

1.QuickBooks Survey 2.American Express reports


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