Monday, December 18th, 2023
Thanks again for a wonderful year! Next Monday Insider will be published on Monday, January 8th. Join us in 2024 as we celebrate our 80-year anniversary!
This Week
Special Announcements
Save the Date
Join us Tuesday, January 16th at 6 pm for a casual small business networking event! We will be meeting at The Pulse Online Radio station, upstairs of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce. The Connection is a group of small business owners and leaders who want to network, encourage, share successes, and create a supportive space for each other to learn, problem-solve, and share ideas and best practices.
Chamber Save the Dates
Perks & Promos
Beck X Co
Web & Graphic Design Services
10% Discount on web development project proposals and on maintenance subscriptions.
2024 Membership renewal reminders are on their way!
We hope that you will join us as we celebrate 80 years!
If you have questions about membership renewal, please contact us by emailing:
or call (724) 588-7150
Chamber Members! Do you have something you want to share in the Monday Insider?
Send to by Friday, 12pm to be shared the following Monday.