Connect Hearing

What should I expect when I visit a Connect Hearing Center?

Visiting a Connect Hearing Center takes a patient through a lifestyle assessment, a hearing test and a consultation with a hearing care professional. Your HCP will guide you through each step of the visit answering your questions and asking their own.

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U, Hospital, Health Services, Health Providers, 62 Benjamin Beck U, Hospital, Health Services, Health Providers, 62 Benjamin Beck

UPMC Horizon

UPMC Horizon is a full-service, academic community hospital with campuses in Greenville, the Shenango Valley and New Castle. Our relationship with UPMC and integration with facilities such as Magee-Womens Hospital, Children's Hospital, UPMC Passavant, and UPMC Presbyterian enables UPMC Horizon to bring a higher level of care to our community through our variety of services and specialties.

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