Onboarding with GACC
What is the Chamber?
The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together for the purpose of promoting the economic well-being of the business and industrial community in the region.
The Area’s economic welfare is related directly to the caliber of work that is done by the Chamber. That is why the Chamber has a major impact on business, income, and future growth of the area.
The Chamber is primarily an organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together to work for the solution of their mutual business and community challenges. There is a distinct need for an organized group such as the Chamber of Commerce. There are many threats and opportunities that an individual, by himself, cannot possibly solve; but by working together, and pooling time and resources, important accomplishments can be made for the good of the whole.
In brief, the Chamber of Commerce is an institution in which volunteer manpower labors effectively to make the community a better place in which to live and work.
Board Structure
The Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization classified as a S-corporation. The Chamber employs an executive director to manage the office and facilitate the chamber’s daily operations. The members represent the business, industrial, and professional leadership of the community.
The board of directors is the governing body and, along with the executive board, is elected each year at the annual dinner according to the guidelines within our bylaws. The board of directors are volunteers and offer their time and resources for the betterment of the chamber as a whole without compensation.
Committees and Task Forces
Chambers of Commerce are successful primarily because of their ability to activate a broad cross-section of voluntary business and professional leadership on short notice. These volunteers are organized into committees or task forces. We are a working board and part of that work is governance. It’s really not either/or. Our board does the work that needs to be done.
Committee: A standing group that meets on a regular basis to investigate a variety of issues. The committee does the work. Staff assistance is provided in attaining the goal of the committee.
Task Force: A group recruited on short notice to work on a particular issue or project, which is usually disbanded after a recommendation is made to the Board of Directors. Again, staff assistance is provided in attaining the goal of the task force.
How the Chamber Is Financed
The Chamber of Commerce is primarily financed by the investment of its members and special event fundraising. The maintenance of an adequate level of support from all business and professional interests in the community is essential to finance the programs that are vital to community growth and development.
No membership investment paid to the Chamber of Commerce is “marked” for any special Chamber project or activity except upon the authorization by the board of directors and/or executive committee.
Companies are not obligated to become chamber members. Services are strictly accessed by members only. Members are not required to serve on committees or attend meetings. In order to maintain a membership status, a business or organization must be current with their dues investment.
Common Misconceptions
The Chamber is not a government entity. The Chamber has no direct role in writing and passage of laws and regulations that affect businesses.
The Chamber is not an arm of the Borough of Greenville. The Chamber does not have any impact on local government decisions or decisions made by borough council. We try to work collaboratively with these entities.
There are three other chambers in Mercer County and thousands in the world. Each chamber is unique in its own way, and no two chambers are the same. The Greenville Chamber of Commerce has its own unique offerings and does not operate the same way that our other local chambers operate. However, we do work in partnership with the other chambers on several initiatives and events throughout the year.
Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce is not affiliated with the PA Chamber or the US Chamber of Commerce.
Code of Conduct & Responsibilities
Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce
Board Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
I agree to serve as a Board member with the intention of being actively involved with the Greenville Area Chamber. In addition to the general responsibilities of Board membership, I understand the importance of personal commitment to the role. Therefore, I will
1. Be a dudues-payingember in good standing with the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce.
2. Support the mission of the Chamber, to further its aims, and promote the organization’s image always.
3. Attend and participate in monthly board meetings.
4. Support and participate in membership and special events including sponsor solicitations and ticket sales.
5. Actively participate in at least one standing or ad hoc committee.
6. Be an Ambassador/Mentor to new members, to actively engage them in Chamber activities.
7. Participate in the formulation of strategic plans and goals and monitor the Chamber’s progress in meeting those goals and objectives.
8. Approve the annual budget and monitor financial performance.
9. Financially support major fundraising initiatives and events.
10. Participate in the Chamber’s membership development and commit to recruiting at least 2 members annually.
11. Represent the chamber membership as a positive community leader.
1. Directors must consider the interests of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce at ALL times, understanding that any communications, including through social media and conversation, are perceived reflections on the Chamber.
2. Directors shall maintain the confidentiality of the details and the dynamics of any and all board discussion and communication.
3. Directors shall not speak publicly against, or in any way undermine board solidarity once a board decision has been made.
4. Directors are expected to attend all board meetings and participate on a minimum of one committee each year. Directors shall be prepared to commit sufficient time and energy to attend to Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce business.
5. Directors shall avoid, in fact and perception, conflicts of interest and shall disclose to the board, in an immediate manner, any possible conflicts.
6. Directors’ contributions to discussions and decision-making shall be positive and constructive.
7. Directors’ interactions in meetings and communications shall be courteous, respectful and free of animosity.
8. Directors shall adhere to the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce bylaws and governance policies.
9. Directors shall be prepared for meetings, having read pre-circulated material in advance of meetings.
10. Directors shall participate in the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce in ways and means other than attending board meetings.
11. The Executive Director is responsible to the entire board. Consequently, no single director or committee has authority over the Executive Director.
12. Directors have no authority over other Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce staff and must, as an entire board, direct any operational inquires to the Executive Director.
13. Directors recognize that only the President of the board and the Executive Director, or their designates, shall be the spokespersons for the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce.
14. Directors shall not attempt to exercise individual authority or undue influence over the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce or use this influence for any purpose than furthering the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce causes.
15. Directors are expected to develop an understanding of the scope, mandate, bylaws, and policies of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce, the needs of the members it serves, and the board’s policy governance approach.
All board members must serve on at least one committee; each committee must have three board members.
Meets Last Tuesday of the Month
Purpose Statement: The membership committee should recruit and engage new and existing members to build a thriving chamber.
• Recruit new members
• Act as ambassadors of the chamber
• Review tier structure and member benefits
• Nominate new board members
• Coordinate Annual Dinner
Current Members: Amanda Banic, Lori Goodlin, Joe Ribley, JD Walton, Brian Mailliard, Katy Cowie-Ingersheim
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the Month
Purpose Statement: The events committee coordinates the Chamber’s fundraising efforts through present events or in the creation of new ones.
• Grapes & Growlers
• Chamber Golf Day
Current Members: Lori Goodlin, Amanda Banic, Brian Mailliard, Todd Hedderick, Mark Batt, Chris Banic, Trevor Bromley, John Cascio, Alyssa Babcock, Jim Rust, Tom Hall
Marketing & Engagement
Meets the 2nd Thursday of the Month
Purpose Statement: The marketing committee is charged with community engagement and to assure members are being properly represented through Chamber efforts.
• Coordinate Meet Me on Main
• Assist with parades
• Coordinate Small Business Saturday promotions
• Manage the Community Market
• Develop Christmas in Central Park
Current Members: Vicki Poe, Jean Carr, Lydia Kelso, Trevor Bromley, Don Gault, Jim Rust, Lisa Holm, Michael Lawrence, Kayte Powers, Holly Patterson, Bill Sumners
Purpose Statement: The executive committee is comprised of the president, vice president, president elect, treasurer and past president.
The committee meets as necessary and is charged with the overall operations of the chamber including finance and personnel.
The Mission of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce is to provide leadership and to promote progressive, orderly community development, while maintaining a climate conducive to the continued economic, civic and educational progress of the Northern Mercer County area.
The overall objectives of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce are: economic development, promotion of our community and making available information, both educational and tourist related. We strive to attract businesses that will complement our area, provide a suitable environment for expansion of existing business, and generally improve business conditions for all. We are directly involved in providing more jobs, improving education, keeping a watchful eye on government at all levels, transportation needs, and many other programs.